Tag Archives: Chiropractic Centre

Announcing: Community Outreach Dinner

The Family Chiropractic Centre in Guelph announce an upcoming Community Outreach Dinner to be held Thursday September 30th.

The topic is: Maximizing Health and Abundant Energy

Location: Holiday Inn – Stone Road and Scottsdale Drive, Guelph)

Time: 7:00 pm

Cost: Current patients can invite up to 5 free guests

Sign up: In Advance at the front desk of the Family Chiropractic Centre (987 Gordon St., Guelph)

Family Chiropractic Centre

Transforming lives one patient at a time

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BACKPACKS: Pack it light and wear it right!

School kids today not only have a lot on their minds, statistics show that they are also carrying a heavy load on their backs. 

A recent poll indicates that 76 per cent of Ontario Chiropractors agree that overloaded backpacks are a leading cause of back and neck pain in many of their school aged patients. 

The long-term implications of carrying a heavy backpack are poor posture,  neck and arm pain as well as irritation of the spine, joints and muscles. 

To avoid problems, start by choosing the right backpack.  Make sure the backpack is made of lightweight material, has two wide, adjustable shoulder straps that do not cut into the arm, contains a waist belt, several individual pockets, a padded back and is proportionate to the child’s body size.

The load in a backpack should not exceed 10 percent of the child’s body weight for elementary aged school children and 15 percent for those in secondary school. And the contents should be evenly distributed with heavy items packed closely to the body. 

When putting the backpack on, a child should place the backpack on a table or chair, bend at the knees and lift with the legs while putting on one shoulder strap at a time. Before your child walks out the door remind him or her not to wear the bag on one shoulder and to adjust the straps so the bag fits comfortably close to the body. 

Having your child checked by a Chiropractor may be your first step  in adding a preventative approach to your family’s healthcare.

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How Chiropractic Care can help with ADHD

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How to recover from Whiplash

By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Whiplash is not a disease but a way to describe how an injury occurs.  It happens when the head and neck are suddenly thrown from one direction to another.  Most whiplash sufferers have misaligned spinal bones along with nerve, joint, and muscle damage. 

Once the patient’s condition has stabilized, any person with whiplash trauma should have a chiropractic examination to be certain that no spinal bones have become misaligned.  Nerve damage, arthritis and disc problems may all result from spinal misalignments that go unnoticed.

Special low-force adjustments can be done to correct any spinal misalignments, using pressure equal to that used on a touch tone phone.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Trouble Sleeping? Tips for getting a better night’s sleep

By Dr. Dan Vitale DC

Tired, low energy, achy? It could be you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Work, finances, poor health, household responsibilities, relationship issues and child care can all affect sleep.

If your having trouble sleeping, change your sleeping habits for a better night’s sleep.

You may not be able to control or eliminate all of the factors that interfere with your sleep, but you can create an environment and adopt habits that encourage a more restful night.

Try these suggestions if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep:

  • Go to bed and get up about the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a schedule helps reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
  • Don’t eat or drink large amounts before bedtime.
  • Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol in the evening.
  • Exercise daily, especially aerobic exercise. It can make you fall asleep quicker and make you sleep more restful.
  • Don’t exercise within 3 hours of your planned bedtime.
  • Make your bedroom cool, dark, quiet and comfortable.
  • Sleep primarily at night.
  • Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow (review this with your Chiropractor as he/she can help you individually depending on your sleep position).
  • Avoid stomach sleeping: a poor sleep position can negatively affect your muscles, ligaments and joints over time.
  • Use the bed to sleep. Avoid reading, eating, watching television, playing games or using computers in bed.
  • Start a relaxing bedtime routine; examples include warm bath/shower, reading a book, meditation, or listening to soothing music with dim lights.
  • Limit your time awake in bed. If you are not able to fall asleep, do not stay in bed. Try a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Go to bed when you are tired and turn off the lights.

Getting a great night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in setting a healthy environment to allow our bodies to function, heal and recreate optimally.

Other factors that you should focus on include a healthy diet, daily physical activity, stress-coping technques and decreasing nerve stress through a regular chiropractic adjustment.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Dan Vitale, educating you to help you educate others !

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Meet the Team: Audrey Van Noort

Name: Audrey Van Noort

Position: Clinic Manager

 Grad Year: As a student of life I bring those cumulative experiences to our office. It has been my journey through college, university, motherhood, sisterhood, as a daughter, as a wife and as a student that adds to my work in such amazing ways.

Other Languages Spoken: I am fluent in American Sign Language. My oldest son was the first Deaf person I had ever met. He was my inspiration to learning this amazing language.

 Favourite Quote: “You can’t be a smart cookie if you have a crummy attitude.” – John Maxwell and “If you think you can do it, you can.  If you believe you can do it, you will.  If you trust you can do it, you will make a difference.” – Catherine Ellis

 Family: I have 4 wonderful children and an amazing man in my life. Twins were my introduction to motherhood followed 4 years later by a daughter and 5 years after that, a son. I finally understood that God really has a sense of humour when he allowed me to begin menopause as my son goes through puberty. I thank Charlie for helping me through it all!

 Favourite Movie: Does anyone remember “Old Yeller”?

 Favourite Sports Team: Am I supposed to have one?

Favourite Musical Group: My kids would say Abba but I love listening to Susan Aglukark and Natalie Cole

 Favourite Book: Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen

 Hobbies and Interests: I enjoy gathering with friends and family, playing cards and socializing over a pot luck dinner – you get the best of everything!

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Meet the Team: Angela Gazziro

Name: Angela Gazziro        

 Position: Front Desk Chiropractic Assistant

 Grad Year:  If I tell you my grad year then it will give away my age!  However the many courses I have taken through the years have helped me to help you.

Other Languages Spoken: Italian including the two dialects

 Family: After 15 years I was blessed with twins who keep me and my husband hopping.  

 Favourite Movie: My Sister’s Keeper

 Favourite Sports Team:  The ones my son plays on!

Favourite Musical Group: I love good old Rock and Roll along with contemporary Christian Music

 Favourite Book: The Bible. It has been a source of inspiration, comfort and wisdom

 Hobbies and Interests: My children keep me so busy that I am looking forward to retirement to find out what my hobbies will be.

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Feeling Stressed? Then this article is for you.

Avoid stress?  Impossible!  To be alive is to be under stress.  We can either grow, thrive and heal in the face of stress, or be reduced to dullness and disease.  The way we react to stress can be more important than the stress itself. 

Feeling Stressed?

There are three stages we go through when under stress.  First is the alarm reaction where stress hormones are released during a “fight or flight” response.  If the stress remains the stage of resistance occurs where our muscles tense up and blood pressure increases.  If the stress continues then the stage of exhaustion occurs, ultimately leading to disease.

Chiropractic focuses on removing nerve stress from our bodies as we live in a world of chronic stress.  This allows us to adapt better, heal better and get the most out of life!

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL me at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Why you need to reconnect your life power after a trauma

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

When Christopher Reeve aka Superman fell and broke his neck, his brain didn’t become totally disconnected from his body, or he would have died, but he did become partially disconnected brain from body. 

When this happened, less of the LIFE power from his brain flowed to his body and his body began to degenerate.

The day after his injury, although he looked the same, he was as disconnected from that LIFE power as he was ever going to be. 

Years later, before he died, how did he look? Muscles atrophied, organs weakened, but his body was the same amount disconnected from his brain as right after the accident.

All that changed, was time passed. What happened to superman in a second happens to people on a smaller scale every day due to the traumas of life.  They slowly get disconnected from parts of their body leading to disease.  Chiropractors focus on reconnecting this LIFE power between the brain and body, restoring normal function.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to Avoid Ear Infections in Your Child

By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

 Every parent at one time or another has had the heart-aching task of dealing with a child in agony from an ear infection.

Traditionally antibiotics have been given to remedy this.  Yet, research in the Lancet Medical Journal suggests that 88% of children never need antibiotics, and in those that receive them the risk of reocurrence is high.

Chiropractic care, on the other hand has been found to be both safe and effective at decreasing pressure on the nerve supplying the Eustachian tube, which drains the middle ear to the back of the throat.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  the Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

 I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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