Tag Archives: Chiropractor

BACKPACKS: Pack it light and wear it right!

School kids today not only have a lot on their minds, statistics show that they are also carrying a heavy load on their backs. 

A recent poll indicates that 76 per cent of Ontario Chiropractors agree that overloaded backpacks are a leading cause of back and neck pain in many of their school aged patients. 

The long-term implications of carrying a heavy backpack are poor posture,  neck and arm pain as well as irritation of the spine, joints and muscles. 

To avoid problems, start by choosing the right backpack.  Make sure the backpack is made of lightweight material, has two wide, adjustable shoulder straps that do not cut into the arm, contains a waist belt, several individual pockets, a padded back and is proportionate to the child’s body size.

The load in a backpack should not exceed 10 percent of the child’s body weight for elementary aged school children and 15 percent for those in secondary school. And the contents should be evenly distributed with heavy items packed closely to the body. 

When putting the backpack on, a child should place the backpack on a table or chair, bend at the knees and lift with the legs while putting on one shoulder strap at a time. Before your child walks out the door remind him or her not to wear the bag on one shoulder and to adjust the straps so the bag fits comfortably close to the body. 

Having your child checked by a Chiropractor may be your first step  in adding a preventative approach to your family’s healthcare.

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Free Community Outreach Dinner: Managing Stress to Save Your Life!

Do you Suffer from Stress?

Do you get headaches, tightness in you back and neck or trouble breathing because of stress?

If so, you need to consider attending this event.

We all have stress in our lives and any lessons and strategies we can learn in order to manage our stress more effectively will only enhance our lives.

On Thursday July 29th, 2010, The Family Chiropractic Centre is hosting a free community outreach dinner to help teach how to Manage Stress to Save Your Life.

This dinner will be held at the Holiday Inn on Scottsdale Drive in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. 

Seating begins at 6:30 pm with Dinner at 7:00 pm.

There is only an investment of your time for current patients (and current patients can bring up to 5 guests for Free)

To attend, please sign up by calling The Family Chiropractic Centre (9-987 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario) at 519-837-1234 or email @ familychiropractic@rogers.com before July 27th.

If you are not a current patient and would also like to attend I would suggest that you give them a call anyways.

But sign up as soon as possible, because seating is limited.

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Why suffer from Sciatica?

Hi, I’m Dr. Brent Lipke .

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body.  It begins in your lower back as five smaller nerves and extends down the back of your leg to your toes.  And, if you have burning pain, numbness or tingling down your leg, often aggravated by sitting or changes in position, you may have damaged the sciatic nerve causing a condition known as sciatica. 

Historically, drugs, surgery or physical therapy have been used to treat the pain of sciatica but often bring little or no relief.   

Research has shown Chiropractic to give long term results, because it corrects the cause of the sciatica by re-aligning the vertebrae and thereby removing the bony pressure on the sciatic nerve.

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234, or visit us online at http://www.guelphchiropractors.com .

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to reduce allergy frustrations

 by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Woman sleezingWith the decrease in air quality that comes with warmer weather many of us begin to experience the agony of dealing with allergies.

The sneezing and watery eyes occur when the immune system OVERreacts to an allergin, things like dust or  pollen, and produces too many neutralizing chemicals, called histamines, to counteract it.  Drugs called anti-histamines are often given, but long-term use may cause blood pressure or heart problems.

Chiropractic focuses on balancing the nerve system which CONTROLS the immune system, allowing it to function normally which handles the CAUSE of the allergic reaction.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL me at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How Chiropractic Care can help with ADHD

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Suffer from TMJ? Chiropractic Care can help

By  Dr. Brent Lipke DC

 If you place your fingers in front of each ear and open your mouth you can feel movement in your jaw joint.  This is where your skull’s temporal bone attaches to your mandible or jaw bone, called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ.

When this joint is misaligned it is called TMJ syndrome.  Symptoms include an inability to fully open the mouth, clicking or popping when eating or talking and sometimes the jaw may even temporarily lock up. 

Causes include gum chewing, trauma to the head/jaw or neck, and dental work where the mouth is open for a prolonged period.

Chiropractic focuses on correcting the cause of the TMJ dysfunction by gently re-aligning the jaw itself using low-force techniques.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234 or check out our website @ http://www.guelphchiropractors.com

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others!

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Is it safe to visit your Chiropractor?

Have you ever wondered if going to to chiropractor was safe or not?  Perhaps fear is stopping you from getting the chiropractic care you need.  Well here are the facts.

Chiropractic is the largest non-drug healing profession in the world today.  Nothing is put into your body and nothing is taken out, so the risk of a side effect is minimal.  In fact the New Zealand Commission of Inquiry concluded Chiropractic as a whole to be “remarkable safe”. 

Special LOW-FORCE techniques can be requested and are often used; for infants after difficult births, for children after slips or falls, for seniors, or people who are in severe pain and cannot tolerate a conventional adjustment.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Suffering from Heartburn?

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Oh, this heartburn is killing me!  Have you ever wondered why you get heartburn now when you eat things like tomatoes or peppers but you didn’t get it before ?  Do you think the tomatoes changed, or did you ?

Heartburn is caused, not by too much acid, but by acid in the wrong place.  A muscle at the top of the stomach keeps the acid from splashing up into the esophagus which it is not protected by mucous.

 When a spinal misalignment in the mid-back occurs, it can choke the nerve supplying this muscle, allowing acid to reverse up the esophagus.  Instead of using medications to decrease the acid in your stomach, chiropractic removes pressure from this nerve, restoring function to this muscle, keeping the acid down where it belongs.

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Happy New Year from the Team at Family Chiropractic Centre

All the team who serve you at The Family Chiropractic Centre wish all of you a Happy and Safe New Year and we will see you in 2010.

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How to Avoid the Dangers of Shovelling Snow

By Dr. Frank Dallan DC

Being that we live in South Western Ontario, we all know what our winters are like.  Snow, snow, snow and more snow, and there is a good chance that you will have to shovel your driveway at least a few times this year.  Unfortunately, the way in which people shovel their snow tends to put their backs in a very vulnerable position resulting in many snow shovelling back injuries. 

What I’m going to do for you today is give you some proper snow shovelling techniques so that you can avoid those nasty back injuries this winter.

So before we review what proper snow shovelling technique is, let’s first discuss what improper shovelling technique is.

Improper shovelling technique occurs when you bend forward at the waist, scooping the snow, lifting with the back at the waist, and tossing the snow over the side while standing stationary and rotating at the level of your lower back. 

This improper technique increases the work load on your lower back, and can lead to lumbar spine sprain/strain or even worse a herniation of a lumbar spine disc.

Proper shovelling technique is as follows. 

The first thing to remember is to remove the snow more frequently rather than waiting for the snow to pile up. 

The second thing to remember is to choose a proper shovel.  A light weight (good quality) plastic shovel that is non-stick is ideal for light powder snow.  In such an instance you should push the snow from the center of the driveway off to the outer edges of the driveway. 

Try to avoid throwing the snow.  But if you must throw the snow, position yourself directly in front of the area you wish to throw the snow, bend at your knees while keeping your back straight.  Then pick up your load of snow and lift the snow and throw the snow in front of you with your knees and arms while keeping your back straight. 

Avoid rotation at all costs! 

Another key point to keep in mind while throwing the snow is to exhale (breathe out) when lifting and throwing the snow.  This will minimize internal pressures within your body avoiding internal injuries and it will give you that extra strength you may need.

If you feel tired while shovelling the snow, you should take a break for a moment or two every 10 to 15 minutes. 

Remember to dress warm, and wear boots with good treads

Happy Shovelling!

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

 I’m Dr. Frank Dallan, educating you to help you educate others !

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