Tag Archives: gentle

Why suffer from Sciatica?

Hi, I’m Dr. Brent Lipke .

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body.  It begins in your lower back as five smaller nerves and extends down the back of your leg to your toes.  And, if you have burning pain, numbness or tingling down your leg, often aggravated by sitting or changes in position, you may have damaged the sciatic nerve causing a condition known as sciatica. 

Historically, drugs, surgery or physical therapy have been used to treat the pain of sciatica but often bring little or no relief.   

Research has shown Chiropractic to give long term results, because it corrects the cause of the sciatica by re-aligning the vertebrae and thereby removing the bony pressure on the sciatic nerve.

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234, or visit us online at http://www.guelphchiropractors.com .

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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What you get out of Exercising

Investing in 20-30 minutes per day of aerobic exercise may be a great start toward great health. 

Aerobic exercise is defined as physical exercise that intends to improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen. Aerobic exercise includes prolonged movement of large muscles in your hips, legs and arms that affects your hearts and lungs. 

 You will notice changes in your cardio (heart) pulmonary (lungs) fitness within weeks of starting.  Your body will also release endorphins, natural pain-killers that increase your sense of wellbeing. 

Regardless of your athletic ability, age, weight and gender aerobic exercise is good for you.

Aerobic exercise is a stress placed on the body that is actually good for you and will make your body stronger and more efficient.

Regular exercise can:
·        Reduce health risks including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, osteoporosis (especially weight-bearing exercises)
·        Help you maintain a healthy weight
·        Ward off viral illness by stimulating your immune system
·        Keep your arteries clear (decreasing LDL or ‘bad fat’ and increasing HDL ‘good fat’)
·        Strengthening and increasing efficiency of your heart
·        Boost your mood

Another way to help keep your spine healthy is by visiting your Chiropractor.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact us.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

 I’m Dr. Dan Vitale, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to reduce allergy frustrations

 by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Woman sleezingWith the decrease in air quality that comes with warmer weather many of us begin to experience the agony of dealing with allergies.

The sneezing and watery eyes occur when the immune system OVERreacts to an allergin, things like dust or  pollen, and produces too many neutralizing chemicals, called histamines, to counteract it.  Drugs called anti-histamines are often given, but long-term use may cause blood pressure or heart problems.

Chiropractic focuses on balancing the nerve system which CONTROLS the immune system, allowing it to function normally which handles the CAUSE of the allergic reaction.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL me at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Discover the High Performing Athletes Secret Weapon

 By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Did you know that over 80% of Olympic athletes competing at the  Olympics receive chiropractic care before they compete.

Many amateur and professional athletes wouldn’t dream of competing without first getting a chiropractic checkup including; Joe Montana, Evander Holyfield, Jose Canseco, Dan O’Brien, Arnold Schwartzenegger, and Tiger Woods.

These athletes have discovered the Chiropractic secret.  Research has shown that athletes under chiropractic care react 30% faster, are more coordinated, execute fine movements better and have improved accuracy and precision.

All this occurs because the nerve system in these athletes is kept free of stress and any injuries are corrected early before they can develop into a major problem in the future.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor. 

If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Chiropractic Care helping with Ear Infections

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Suffer from TMJ? Chiropractic Care can help

By  Dr. Brent Lipke DC

 If you place your fingers in front of each ear and open your mouth you can feel movement in your jaw joint.  This is where your skull’s temporal bone attaches to your mandible or jaw bone, called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ.

When this joint is misaligned it is called TMJ syndrome.  Symptoms include an inability to fully open the mouth, clicking or popping when eating or talking and sometimes the jaw may even temporarily lock up. 

Causes include gum chewing, trauma to the head/jaw or neck, and dental work where the mouth is open for a prolonged period.

Chiropractic focuses on correcting the cause of the TMJ dysfunction by gently re-aligning the jaw itself using low-force techniques.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234 or check out our website @ http://www.guelphchiropractors.com

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others!

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Is it safe to visit your Chiropractor?

Have you ever wondered if going to to chiropractor was safe or not?  Perhaps fear is stopping you from getting the chiropractic care you need.  Well here are the facts.

Chiropractic is the largest non-drug healing profession in the world today.  Nothing is put into your body and nothing is taken out, so the risk of a side effect is minimal.  In fact the New Zealand Commission of Inquiry concluded Chiropractic as a whole to be “remarkable safe”. 

Special LOW-FORCE techniques can be requested and are often used; for infants after difficult births, for children after slips or falls, for seniors, or people who are in severe pain and cannot tolerate a conventional adjustment.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to recover from Whiplash

By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Whiplash is not a disease but a way to describe how an injury occurs.  It happens when the head and neck are suddenly thrown from one direction to another.  Most whiplash sufferers have misaligned spinal bones along with nerve, joint, and muscle damage. 

Once the patient’s condition has stabilized, any person with whiplash trauma should have a chiropractic examination to be certain that no spinal bones have become misaligned.  Nerve damage, arthritis and disc problems may all result from spinal misalignments that go unnoticed.

Special low-force adjustments can be done to correct any spinal misalignments, using pressure equal to that used on a touch tone phone.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Trouble Sleeping? Tips for getting a better night’s sleep

By Dr. Dan Vitale DC

Tired, low energy, achy? It could be you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Work, finances, poor health, household responsibilities, relationship issues and child care can all affect sleep.

If your having trouble sleeping, change your sleeping habits for a better night’s sleep.

You may not be able to control or eliminate all of the factors that interfere with your sleep, but you can create an environment and adopt habits that encourage a more restful night.

Try these suggestions if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep:

  • Go to bed and get up about the same time every day, even on weekends. Sticking to a schedule helps reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
  • Don’t eat or drink large amounts before bedtime.
  • Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol in the evening.
  • Exercise daily, especially aerobic exercise. It can make you fall asleep quicker and make you sleep more restful.
  • Don’t exercise within 3 hours of your planned bedtime.
  • Make your bedroom cool, dark, quiet and comfortable.
  • Sleep primarily at night.
  • Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow (review this with your Chiropractor as he/she can help you individually depending on your sleep position).
  • Avoid stomach sleeping: a poor sleep position can negatively affect your muscles, ligaments and joints over time.
  • Use the bed to sleep. Avoid reading, eating, watching television, playing games or using computers in bed.
  • Start a relaxing bedtime routine; examples include warm bath/shower, reading a book, meditation, or listening to soothing music with dim lights.
  • Limit your time awake in bed. If you are not able to fall asleep, do not stay in bed. Try a relaxing bedtime routine.
  • Go to bed when you are tired and turn off the lights.

Getting a great night’s sleep is one of the most important factors in setting a healthy environment to allow our bodies to function, heal and recreate optimally.

Other factors that you should focus on include a healthy diet, daily physical activity, stress-coping technques and decreasing nerve stress through a regular chiropractic adjustment.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Dan Vitale, educating you to help you educate others !

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Suffering from Heartburn?

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Oh, this heartburn is killing me!  Have you ever wondered why you get heartburn now when you eat things like tomatoes or peppers but you didn’t get it before ?  Do you think the tomatoes changed, or did you ?

Heartburn is caused, not by too much acid, but by acid in the wrong place.  A muscle at the top of the stomach keeps the acid from splashing up into the esophagus which it is not protected by mucous.

 When a spinal misalignment in the mid-back occurs, it can choke the nerve supplying this muscle, allowing acid to reverse up the esophagus.  Instead of using medications to decrease the acid in your stomach, chiropractic removes pressure from this nerve, restoring function to this muscle, keeping the acid down where it belongs.

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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