Tag Archives: drugs

Why suffer from Sciatica?

Hi, I’m Dr. Brent Lipke .

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body.  It begins in your lower back as five smaller nerves and extends down the back of your leg to your toes.  And, if you have burning pain, numbness or tingling down your leg, often aggravated by sitting or changes in position, you may have damaged the sciatic nerve causing a condition known as sciatica. 

Historically, drugs, surgery or physical therapy have been used to treat the pain of sciatica but often bring little or no relief.   

Research has shown Chiropractic to give long term results, because it corrects the cause of the sciatica by re-aligning the vertebrae and thereby removing the bony pressure on the sciatic nerve.

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234, or visit us online at http://www.guelphchiropractors.com .

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to Reduce Your Headaches Without Popping Pills

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

What puts the ache in a headache ?

Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year on medications to relieve headaches but none of these drugs correct the cause. 

Headaches can have many causes, one commonly overlooked factor involves spinal misalignment causing pressure on the nerves at the top of the neck that control the blood supply to the head.

Chiropractic research has shown that relieving pressure on the delicate nerves at the top of the spine can decrease the number of headache hours by 69%, reduce migraine episodes by 90%, and decrease medication usage by 94%.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

 I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Meet Dr. Frank Dallan DC

Meet Dr. Frank Dallan DC

“As a child I suffered from intense migraines at least once every two weeks.” Dr Frank recalls. 

These migraines were so unbearable that my mother would put me to bed in a darkened room, where even the faintest light caused me great pain.  She decided to do some research, and came across some information suggesting that Chiropractic care could possibly relieve migraines. She was skeptical in the beginning but didn’t want to rely on Tylenol or Advil as a source of relief so she decided to give Chiropractic a try. 

 I started going to a Chiropractor and over the course of the next year the occurrence of my migraines diminished drastically. 

Since then, I have been fascinated with the field of Chiropractic.  However, it was not until my experience volunteering at my brother in-law (Dr. Brent Lipke’s) clinic, that my desire to become a Chiropractor was solidified. 

At this point in time I was impressed with a Chiropractor’s vast knowledge base in the health sciences, and the art and precision with which they assist the body to heal naturally, to truly help the sick become healthy.  It was this excitement about becoming a Chiropractor that motivated me to focus more time and energy on my studies.  I knew then that I was truly destined to become a Chiropractor, and that I had found my calling, and made a commitment to myself that I would do whatever it took to realize my dream.  Like Dr. Brent, I have found purpose and passion in helping people unleash their own ability to lead a vibrantly healthy, and fulfilling life.”

Dr. Frank began his pre-chiropractic education at the University of Guelph, where he attained his degree in the Honors Biological Science program.  There, he studied biology, physiology, organic chemistry, mammalian physiology, biochemistry, physics and human nutrition. 

After completing his study at the University of Guelph he was accepted into a variety of Chiropractic programs and chose to receive his Doctorate in Saint Louis Missouri, at Logan College of Chiropractic.  During his stay at Logan, courses included, biochemistry, microbiology, embryology, X-ray physics, with a major emphasis on human physiology, human anatomy, neuro-anatomy, human neurology, differential diagnosis, diagnostic imaging, human nutrition, chiropractic adjusting techniques, physical rehabilitation, and patient care in the Logan satellite clinics. 

After graduating in 2007, Dr. Frank returned to his hometown of Guelph to practice at the Family Chiropractic Centre. 

In his spare time you can find Dr. Frank golfing, working out, wakeboarding, waterskiing, downhill skiing, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, or walking his black lab “Rocky.”

Dr. Frank also maintains peak performance through weekly adjustments, a healthy diet, regular exercise, restful sleep, and stress coping techniques.

Dr. Frank feels a moral obligation to reach out to his community, and educate people about Chiropractic care and the ways in which it can literally transform their lives one adjustment at a time.  He is looking forward to becoming a mentor and leading by example to promote a healthy drug free lifestyle throughout his community.

I would like to leave you with one very powerful quote, used by one of the pioneers of Chiropractic, Dr. B.J. Palmer which he used in his book The Big Idea (1944) “So, the adjustment of the subluxation to release pressure upon nerves, to restore mental impulse flow, to restore health, is big enough to rebuild the thoughts and actions of the world.  The idea that knows the cause of dis-ease, is one of the biggest ideas known.  Without it, nations fall; with it, nations rise. ”

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How to Avoid Ear Infections in Your Child

By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

 Every parent at one time or another has had the heart-aching task of dealing with a child in agony from an ear infection.

Traditionally antibiotics have been given to remedy this.  Yet, research in the Lancet Medical Journal suggests that 88% of children never need antibiotics, and in those that receive them the risk of reocurrence is high.

Chiropractic care, on the other hand has been found to be both safe and effective at decreasing pressure on the nerve supplying the Eustachian tube, which drains the middle ear to the back of the throat.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  the Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

 I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to give your baby a great start to life

You do so many things to ensure your baby’s health during and after pregnancy, by eating right, avoiding drugs and breastfeeding. But have you had your baby’s spine checked for nerve interference?

Often a newborn’s spine can be harmed during the birth process.  A normal, uncomplicated delivery puts 90 lbs. of compressive pressure on a newborn’s delicate spine.  One medical study of 1,250 babies examined 5 days after birth showed that 95% had spinal misalignments related to the birth process, causing lowered immunity, poor digestion, and sleeplessness. 

Babies are gently adjusted using low-force techniques equal to the pressure on a touch-tone phone, reconnecting their nerve system, giving them a great start in life.     

 To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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Pregnant? Why you want to see your Chiropractor

By Dr. Brent Lipke DC

If you are pregnant one of the best healthiest things you can do is see a doctor of Chiropractic. 

Another great reason for Chiropractic care during pregnancy is that it is drugless and has no side effects, unlike drugs which can cross the placenta and harm the growing baby. 

Research has shown Chiropractic to help maintain pregnancy, control vomiting, reduce back pain and back labour, reduce premature contractions, shorten labor time by 60% , and reduce drug use by 50%.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to ease the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the occupational disease of the 21st century.  It involves numbness, weakness or pain in the wrist and hand and is caused by pressure on the nerve entering the wrist.

Traditionally it has been treated by wearing a splint, taking anti inflammatory drugs or with surgery, all having limited success. 

Spinal misalignments are often found in the lower necks of patients suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.  Nerve compression in the neck can block the flow of nutrients to nerves in the arm, shoulder and hand, making them susceptible to injury.  Chiropractic gently restores proper nerve flow from the neck to the hand correcting the cause of the problem.   

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor.  If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL me at The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to reduce Asthma Attacks

by  Dr. Brent Lipke  DC

When an asthmatic “attack” happens the person struggles for every breath, literally gasping and wheezing for life.

women having asthma attack

Attacks are usually triggered by allergies or stress. “Puffers” containing strong steroids are usually given to decrease inflammation but can also cause severe side effects such as tremors, abnormal heart rhythm, and bronchitis.

For over 100 years, people suffering from asthma and bronchitis have sung the praises of chiropractic care.  Research has shown that chiropractic care; decreases medication used, decreases incidence of attacks and increases lung volume, by ensuring that the lungs receive uninterrupted nerve flow from the brain.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor. 

If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre in Guelph, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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How to help your A.D.H.D. child

by Dr. Brent Lipke DC

Between 3 and 5 % of children are considered to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

CB044814Psychiatric drugs are given to children, to treat or at least modify their symptoms, but may cause drug-induced behavioral disorders and other unwanted side effects.

Parents concerned with the effects of long term drug use on their children want better answers and better choices.

Clinical studies have reported the effectiveness of Chiropractic care for children with neurological conditions including learning disorders, hyperactivity and dyslexia.

Chiropractic improves brain function by increasing blood flow to the brain, and releasing stress on the spinal cord.  This decreases anxiety and improves brain function, allowing the child to reach their full potential.

To learn more about how a safe, gentle and scientific, Chiropractic adjustment could TRANSFORM your health contact your chiropractor. 

 If you are interested in a complimentary consultation, CALL  The Family Chiropractic Centre, 519-837-1234. 

I’m Dr. Brent Lipke, educating you to help you educate others !

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